💡 It’s time for you to take action on your company page!
The new company page is just around the corner: On September 18th, your new company page will be launched.
In order to match this new version, you need to update your company page content. Be careful, you only have till November 30th to do that so take advantage of this time to prepare your soon future company page.
This article will guide you to all the modifications you need to make. Read it carefully!
👀 Please read this article to know how to complete each field on the BO and learn how it will be displayed on your company page.
Content :
Existing data impacted by the new company page
Complete the new data
The following data will be soon depreciated
Existing data impacted by the new company page
💡 Most of the data of your current company page will be reused for your new page. However, the new version is bringing some changes. Please read this section and adapt all the following fields on your back-office to match the new specifications.
Social media - For full profile only:
You can still complete the social media links but the synchronisation with them have been upgraded.
✨ What changed?
- On your previous company page it was only an icon displayed on the banner that redirect the users to your social media page.
- Now, you will really be able to link your social media and show directly on JobTeaser the latest post from them. Feature coming soon :)
✍️ What do you need to modify in social media links?
- Complete the new social medias Instagram and TikTok if you have them.
✨ What changed?
Institutional video:
The company presentation video stays on your company page but some modifications need to be taken into account.
✨ What changed?If your company doesn’t have a video here, we will automatically display the last image uploaded from the gallery media. Thus, the space of the corporate video on your company page will never be empty.
- The video players allowed on the new company page have been reduced to only Youtube or Vimeo.
✨ What changed?If your company doesn’t have a video here, we will automatically display the last image uploaded from the gallery media. Thus, the space of the corporate video on your company page will never be empty.
✍️ What do you need to modify in your Institutional video?
- We advice you to add a video to present your company if you do not have one already.
- If your institutional video is located on another video player (such as JW player) please migrate your corporate video to Youtube or Vimeo, or change your video by a new one.
Key informations ✅ mandatory information:
The key info have been updated a bit to highlight more important information based on what the young generation estimates as highly valuable for their job search.
✨ What changed?
- Some information will be deleted: turnover, investment funding, name & CEO picture. We refocus on the key info demanded by the young talents.
- Some fields stay the same: your creation year and the number of countries for your operations.
- New key info are added: the parity and the average age among your team.
✍️ What do you need to modify in your key info?
- Complete the new key info - at least 2 out of 4 key info are mandatory.
✨ What changed?
Company Overview ✅ mandatory information :
The display of the company text presentation is changing a bit.
✨ What changed?
- The size of the text the candidate sees at first is now shorter: the first 300 characters are showed as a preview of the full text. This preview change your way of writing your presentation: you need to be catchy on the first sentence in order to encourage the readers to click to discover the full text. Please update your text!
- Also, no more edition style (colors, titles, etc.) and pictures are allowed in the text section: keep only the text and focus on the important information you when to share with them.
✍️ What do you need to modify in your Company overview?
- Add an introduction sentence to your presentation of 300 characters
- Delete the pictures, the colors and other editing style used in the text
- Take this opportunity to reread your presentation text in order to update and improve it
✨ What changed?
External Insight certification - For full profile only:
“Choose my company” is still available for this new version. However, we decided to go further with this feature.
✨ What changed?
- We added 3 new external labels: Great place to work and Glassdoor + Kununu (available soon).
✍️ What do you need to modify in your external links?
- You need to pick only 2 labels to display among those 4, you can also decided to not complete those fields as they are not mandatory.
✨ What changed?
Other information need your attention:
More information is now displayed on the Header on your company page. Please verify that the data inside the following fields is correct:
- Main industry
- Company tagline
- Location of headquarters
Your Media Gallery:
Your company page adopt a more modern design that places media content at the heart of the page. In that context, the media gallery will play a bigger role in your storytelling and will help you to be more attractive to the GenZ. Thus, JobTeaser rebuild this section.
- ✨ What changed?
- The media, photos and videos, have more space: you can now upload unlimited contents and have dedicated spaces for each type of media on the front.
- All the photos will be displayed on the header. Bye bye the long cover image displayed on the header, we have now a new modern display of pictures illustrating your company atmosphere and spirit that emanate from it.
🔎 How to fill up this area in the back-office?
- Choose pictures without text or borders, reflecting your brand identity.
- The latest pictures added in the media gallery will be shown first on your header.
📄 How is it displayed on your company page in front-office?
- They will appear as 2 distinct pictures in your company page banner.
🔎 How to fill up this area in the back-office?
- We improved the video play experience into JobTeaser. For example, we improved the preview, added the autoplay so the video starts playing already when we move the cursor over it, allowed new video formats (vertical video - coming soon) and stopped using video players decreasing the performance (such as JW player).
✍️ What do you need to modify on your photos and videos?
- Make sure you have at least 3 photos and/or videos in your gallery media, but add as many as you can (unlimited media content)!
- For all your videos, make sure they are located on Youtube or Vimeo players (all the other video players will no longer be working on the new company page) as we explained before.
- Stop adding thumbnails on the videos: the thumbnail setting is done directly on Youtube or Vimeo, no need to do it on JobTeaser anymore.
Complete the new data
🆕 content has been added to the new version of your company page. These brand new sections need to be completed. Please complete all the listed sections.
✅ Mandatory to complete:
Key information for the Team tab - For full profile only:
To have a better visual impact and help the candidates to find some key information about your team we added another section for “key info” inside this tab. The talents will find easily the number of employees, the average age among your team, the gender parity and how many offices you have in the top 3 countries you are operating.
✍️ Please complete at least 2 out of 4 of the following fields:
- 🆕 Gender parity - Percentage of men and women amongst your employees
- 🆕 Average age of your employees
- Number of employees
- 🆕 Top 3 countries where your offices are located
✍️ Please complete at least 2 out of 4 of the following fields:
- We added a new section where you can answer directly the 4 main questions the candidates would like to know before applying for one or your job.
- There are displayed in a Q&A section and really help you to speak directly to your future candidates.
- The long “Value & culture” section is gone and replace by a new field “Values” displaying up to your 4 main values.
- If empty it will not be displayed.
🆕 Email address to receive spontaneous applications on:
- Indicate your generic email to receive spontaneous applications
- Displayed on the job tab if no jobs are available. In that case the user will see the option to send a spontaneous application to this email
✴️ Optional to complete but recommended:
A section for the company to talk about its Corporate Social Responsibility, highly relevant for younger generations. Seize the occasion and share the latest commitments, improvements or actions your company has recently taken.
You will be able to present your 3 key accomplishment in terms of CSR, talk about your commitments and add your labels if you have some.
Displayed in the About tab.
Optionnal FAQ:
Only for the premium company pages: If you have a premium company page, you will be able to add 2 more questions that you can give answers to.
The following data will be soon depreciated
💡 Some fields will be removed from your page when the new company page version will be live. Please stop completing them and do not hesitate to read the content you had put into those soon removed sections before you lose them. Do not hesitate to save somewhere else the content you had in those.
The icons with the social media
Will not be displayed anymore in the header but will have a better integration on the About page (only available if your company page is premium).
Thus, if you do not have a premium company page, stop completing those BO fields:
- LinkedIn Account URL
- Twitter Account URL
- Facebook page URL (will be deleted for all the companies)
- YouTube account URL (will be deleted for all the companies)
Video thumbnail:
In order to improve the preview of the video uploaded to your company page, the old company page needed to upload the image preview of the video. Because we will now only use performant video players, the preview image will be directly handle on the video player itself.
Thus, soon on your BO wil be deleted all this video options that will no be longer necessary.
Key information:
The following key information will be deleted and new ones are added. Stop complete them :
- Turnover
- Investment funding
- Default currency
- CEO Name
- Photo of the CEO
Our values, our culture:
This section that was displayed on the About tab will be deleted on the new company page :
This section was very often empty on your company pages
There is now a new field “value” to show your 4 main values. You can also present it directly into the company overview text and finally if you have a premium company page the Team tab is made for that.
Desired profiles:
Required profiles and soft skills for candidates within your company.
This very generic section will no longer be on the company page. This information belong to a job offer description so we highly recommend you to add more info to your job ad on the profile you are looking for.
Also, for premium company page a new section displaying you recruitment metrics will be available (stay tuned).
Recruitment contact:
Contact details for applications and questions from students
A section was used by some of you to display the recruiter contact but this will be gone on the new company page.
Instead, it will be replace by a new field showing the email address to send spontaneous applications Email address to receive spontaneous applications on
Recruitment process:
The recruitment process section will be deleted on the new version. The young talents need the recruitment information directly into your job ads and your process may vary from one job to another. JobTeaser highly recommend you to add the info into your job offers directly, your future candidates will be pleased!
The brand presentations:
The icons of your listed brands will no longer be clickable. Thus, the section to describe your brand is not necessary anymore.
Testimonials photos and videos:
The job descriptions attached to the photos and videos presenting your jobs will be gone on the new version. We will focus here on media content.
The section “Recruitment video”:
The video upload into that sections were displayed next to the field “Desired profiles”. If you had a video there, it will automatically migrated to your Media Gallery and this section will be removed from your Back-office.