If you are interested in sharing your job ad in all of our partner institutions in one click by multiposting, do not hesitate to reach out to us to request a fee-based partner account. JobTeaser offers various packages tailored to your needs to easily reach 5 million students from more than 750 higher education institutions across Europe.
10 recruitments and more
If you have more than 10 recruitments per year, from business schools, engineering schools and universities (internships, work-study programs, junior jobs), our first pack includes a company page and 10 offers.
Get in touch with us today to see what JobTeaser can offer to you!
Less than 10 recruitments
If you have less than 10 recruitments per year, we recommend you use the manual version of JobTeaser free of charge.
Posting your job ads :
1. Go to the careers site of the school or university where you want to post your ad by typing the name followed by JobTeaser in the search engine
2. Create an account for your company
3. Post your ad
4. Bear with us briefly while the school or university approves your ad
5. Congratulations! Your job ad is live and can be seen by your chosen school or university!
Good news: you can post ads like this to as many different schools and universities as you like.
Top tip: sign out between each posting so you can create a different account on each of the careers services. Otherwise you’ll only be able to register on one careers service. It’s the little tricks that make all the difference.