When posting a job ad, please make sure all fields are properly filled out. If you receive an error message, check for all fields that are mandatory, indicated by an asterisk (*), to ensure that they are filled.
We recommend using Google Chrome as your browser, but Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge will also work. With the outdated Internet Explorer, as well as Safari, there are sometimes problems with the platform, which can also lead to error messages not being displayed in the right place.
Location field
Please do not simply enter the location in the field, but confirm your entry by clicking on the appropriate suggestion that appears in the drop-down menu.
If you are using an auto-complete function, please empty the entry in this field and type it in again actively so that it is saved correctly. If the dropdown menu does not appear, change the browser or reload the page if necessary.
The location is saved correctly if it appears with a blue background above the field.
Smileys or special characters
Please avoid using smileys or special characters in the job ad description and avoid adding heavy pictures or files.
If the problem persists, please contact us with a screenshot of your completed form.