How to update my company logo

To update your company logo, please go to the "Company" section of your back office. Click on the field "Select a file to upload" and choose a logo from your computer. 

The logo has to be at least 100x100 pixels large, accepted formats are JPG or PNG and it should not be larger than 3 MB.

If you have already published job ads with a different logo, they will not automatically be updated with a new logo. You must archive them and then publish them again so that the changes are visible.


My company logo is blurry

To achieve the best quality for your logo, we recommend:

  • Selecting a square format, as otherwise a white background is added and the quality may be reduced
  • Using a file that is not too big, it should be between 100x100 and 800x800 pixels maximum, the bigger the logo is, the more it will be automatically reduced by the system, which will significantly reduce the quality compared to your image editing programme
  • Avoiding small lettering (slogans, subtitles, etc.) and use a logo that is as symbolic/simple as possible


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